BSDHT Accreditation Scheme

The BSDHT Accreditation Scheme has been developed to help members identify relevant educational material appropriate to their needs and in line with the CPD requirements of the GDC.

All CPD educational material submitted by trainers, training organisations and industry colleagues for assessment is considered by our Accreditation Panel and where approval is granted the material will carry our Accreditation Logo.

Accreditation is given only where the material is considered to be of a high standard and quality, well structured, educationally sound and accurately pitched for BSDHT members.

The first three awards were presented at 2012 Dentistry Show at the NEC in Birmingham

The awards were received by Caroline Thompson on behalf of GSK for their Talking Points in Practice sessions on: acid erosion, dentine hypersensitivity and, gingivitis and periodontal disease.

The BSDHT accreditation logo may be used for a period of 12 months but can be automatically renewed subject to compliance with Terms of Use specified by BSDHT.

Currently accredited are:

How to apply for Accreditation

The British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy (BSDHT) launched an educational accreditation scheme in 2012 to help ensure a consistency of quality and standard for CPD educational material used by its members in the future.

Any CPD educational material produced by manufacturers and individuals can be assessed by an Accreditation Panel established by BSDHT and where approval is granted the material will carry an accreditation logo.

The Panel will grant permission to use the accreditation logo for material that:

  • Is relevant to members.
  • Has been designed using sound educational principles.
  • Contains stated Aims and Learning Outcomes.
  • Is aligned to the stated Learning Outcomes
  • Is evidence based and contains references.
  • Provides an opportunity for evaluation/feedback.

The logo may not be used by any party without prior agreement from BSDHT and is not intended for use by or accreditation of consumer products or materials.

An initial fee, to be agreed between BSDHT and the company/individual seeking accreditation, will be charged to cover the costs of forming the BSDHT Accreditation Panel and must be paid prior to supplying the course materials.

The Accreditation Panel will comprise of two assessors in order to ensure an unbiased, broad based, minimal majority vote for each application. These panel members will meet to discuss their findings and fill in the Evaluation Documentation. Should the panel not agree, a third person (usually the BSDHT Honorary Secretary) will adjudicate to reach agreement.

If accreditation is awarded, this permits the use of the accreditation logo for one year. The licence fee is renewable on an annual basis for as long as the accreditation logo is in use.  The logo can only be used on material for the accredited course, in accordance with the Licencing Agreement.

The monies from the licence fees will be used by BSDHT to promote and develop training and education for BSDHT members.

This accreditation scheme helps BSDHT to achieve part of its mission statement to “promote the study of oral health”.

Details of the current costs for accreditation are shown below.

For more information about the accreditation scheme, including how to apply for accreditation, email Fay Higgin on


Payable in advance and are non-refundable.  Charged per course.

BSDHT Member fee: £250 plus VAT

Who will be presenting his/her own course, not one presented on behalf of a commercial company.

Annual review of previously accredited course:  £150 plus VAT

Companies: £1,000 plus VAT

Annual review of previously accredited course: £150 plus VAT

Revision of the course that requires the panel: £250 plus VAT

NB:  Should the company wish to have more than one course accredited, the fee charged will attract a discount per course, please speak to Fay Higgin, for details.

Value Added

What the BSDHT can offer you, as part of the first year’s agreed licensing

Course featured on the BSDHT Events page – free of charge for up to 3 months. Worth: £180 plus VAT

Social media post 1x per month to a maximum of 3 in total, advertising the course on BSDHT Facebook page. Should a course provider have one course or multiple courses accredited, the maximum of 3 posts in total would apply.  On Facebook the BSDHT has over 6,800 followers as at April 2020. Worth: £300 plus VAT