Are you interested in public health dentistry?
The British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry (BASCD) invites entries to the Keith Woods Essay Competition.
This competition is open to any: undergraduate dental student; student dental therapist; student dental hygienist; and student dental nurse, registered at a dental school in the United Kingdom. The title for this year’s essay is: “The oral health of refugees and the mobilisation of oral health care services to meet their needs”.
The essay completion is designed to foster the interest of the next generation of dental professionals in public health dentistry and is dedicated to the memory of the late Keith Woods, a distinguished former member of the Association.
The essay should be no more than 2000 words in length (excluding references). It should be submitted as a Microsoft WORD document via email to BASCD@outlook.com by the closing date – 5pm, 31 August 2022. A prize of £200 and a certificate will be awarded to the winner of the competition.
These will be presented at the BASCD Autumn Scientific Meeting in London on 10 November 2022. More details of the Keith Woods Essay Competition are available at: https://www.bascd.org/keith-woods-essay-competition-2022.